
Please view the Science documents by clicking the links below.


Long Term Plan - Science 24-25.pdf

Science Policy.pdf

Working Scientifically Progression.pdf

Science Progression Map.pdf


You can view the National Curriculum Science Programmes of Study for Key Stage 1 and 2 by clicking the link below.

National Curriculum Science


A Knowledge Organiser is a go-to document for a topic/unit of work: each one identifies the key information/vocabulary that children need to have learned by the end of a topic. It also acts as a tool to support children in retaining and retrieving knowledge for life-long learning. Please view the Science Knowledge Organisers for each year group by clicking the links below.

Year 1 - About Animals.pdf

Year 1 - All About Me.pdf

Year 1 - Exploring Everyday Materials.pdf

Year 1 - Introduction to Plant.pdf

Year 1 - Seasonal Changes.pdf

Year 1 - Uses of Everyday Materials.pdf


Year 2 - Animals Including Humans - Growth.pdf

Year 2 - Diet and Health.pdf

Year 2 - Everyday Materials.pdf

Year 2 - Habitats Around the World.pdf

Year 2 - Living Things and Their Habitats.pdf

Year 2 - Plants - Growth and Care.pdf


Year 3 - Exploring the World of Plants.pdf

Year 3 - Forces and Magnets.pdf

Year 3 - Light.pdf

Year 3 - Plants - Life Cycles.pdf

Year 3 - Rocks.pdf

Year 3 - What Makes Us.pdf


Year 4 - Classifying Living Things and Their Habitats.pdf

Year 4 - Electricity.pdf

Year 4 - Food and Digestion.pdf

Year 4 - Nature and Environment.pdf

Year 4 - Sound.pdf

Year 4 - States of Matter.pdf


Year 5 - Changes of Materials.pdf

Year 5 - Earth and Space.pdf

Year 5 - Forces.pdf

Year 5 - Properties of Materials.pdf

Year 5 - Studying Living Things.pdf

Year 5 - The Human Life Cycle.pdf


Year 6 - Blood and Transportation.pdf

Year 6 - Electricity.pdf

Year 6 - Evolution and Inheritance.pdf

Year 6 - Light.pdf

Year 6 - Living Things and Their Habitats.pdf

Year 6 - The Heart and Health.pdf